Sunday, March 25, 2012

Vaylah lost her first big tooth! She is doing great in the first grade. She and Ruthee are taking piano lessons from our Canadian friend Leanne. Her new best friend is a little Chinese guy whose English name is Jayden. They love to play together at school.

This is aiyi (chinese for Auntie). She watches Abishai at home while Carissa teaches Science. It is nice to leave him at the house instead of bringing him to school. She does not speak English, so it has been good for improving Carissa's Chinese to communicate with her everyday. We also hope this will help make Abishai bilingual. He has gained a few pounds since she started working for us. She feeds him a lot of rice!!!

Dayuma also loves her very much and wants to show her everything when she comes home.

This was Ruthee's first father daughter birthday date. They got all dressed up for a fancy Italian meal. You can't see the earrings in this picture, but it was a success. She is doing well in school, but still has some difficulty hearing. We are hoping He provides the right doctor to help us with this problem.

Spring is here and the weather is heating up quickly. Abishai is turning one this week. We have been so blessed by his life this year. He is about to walk anyday. He says mama, baba (daddy in Chinese), dada, and we think he tries to say jie jie (big sister in Chinese). Big sister is a good one for him to learn!

Life is full with ministry and four little ones. Steve is taking his saturday class through a discipleship program. He is encouraging them to share with their families and friends. They are writing out their testimonies and some "stories" to tell their lost loved ones. They risk a lot when they share so please lift them up.

Steve's time on Tuesdays with the four men from his group has been fruitful. Please continue to ask for that to be a time of preparation for them. They desire to lead the group and Steve desires to equip them for that leadership.