Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Abishai Stephen!

The Father granted our request! On March 27th, at 5:11 pm (local time), our son Abishai Stephen Reeves was born! He weighed 3.1 kgs and was 50 cm long (which is 6 pounds 8 ounces and 20 inches .....we think) We took his name from stories about King David and his mighty men. Abishai was one of David's nephews, but also a general in his army. He was a brave warrior and a loyal friend. We hope our Abishai will be the same. Ruthee, Vaylah, and Dayuma are delighted to have a "baby boy brother" and that is quickly becoming his nickname. Mom and baby are recovering at home together while the other wheels keep spinning.

Ministry is going well. There is a pretty consistent group coming out to the saturday 'class' at this point, and we are really beginning to see some growth. Please keep this lifted up to the Father as we move into this important holiday season. Starting last week steve began teaching through the last week of the sons life and coming up this week we will talk about and then take part in the special 'supper' for the first time as a group. This will culminate in two weeks with a special sunrise service at a local park where we will be combining with another group in the area and enjoying a special time of worship and reflection on the empty tomb! Please ask the father for wisdom and protection, as well as discernment in the way of caution for this event. There are also several other opportunities for ministry here that we are considering; we want to be used where He wants us, though.

We miss everyone greatly and covet all of your correspondence and 'thoughts' toward us!

We are thankful for:

-Our son! and that momma and baby are both doing well

-Fruit in the foundations class

-Friendships we have formed here

-Steve's sister coming very soon to visit!

Our requests are:

-Continued health of momma and baby

-For healing for Ruthee - she has had a long-term sinuous infection and it is effecting her hearing

-Discernment and protection in ministry

II Samuel 23:18 (That's what I'm talking about!)